"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." Nelson Mandela
There are so many things that come into my mind when I hear the word FEAR. I'm sure there isn't a person walking around today or any day who hasn't felt fear. I think of all the men and women in the military who have gone to war. I have never been to war so I can only imagine their fear. But I have felt fear many times. I felt fear when I was in elementary school and had to give my report in front of the class. That was the first time I did that. I felt fear when a girl name, Thelma, would always pick on me when I was in the sixth grade. One day she followed me home from school. She kept calling me names. I turned around and told her she better leave me alone. She said, "Oh really and if I don't?" She came toward me and grabbed my arm. I hit her and we started fighting. I fought with all my might until an adult passing by stopped the fight. I started crying. But guess what? She never bothered me again. I remember when I played the piano on the radio. I was so nervous I could barely hold my hands steady. I mean really? No one could see me because it was on the radio but I knew people were listening. My piano teacher and my parents told me I could do this. Once I sat down and started playing, the fear went away. As I got older, there were many things that brought fear into my heart. I bet you can think of many things that brought fear into your heart. Even as adults the feeling of fear never goes away. Things still happen in our lives that bring fear. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Do it in spite of Fear." How many times have you heard that said? Think of all Nelson Mandela went through fighting against Apartheid in South Africa. He was imprisoned for 27 years. So what happened to him? Was he afraid? I'm certain he was but he fought for freedom and fairness in spite of it. How did it end? After 27 years he was finally released from prison. He became the first Black African to be president of South Africa. Now, that is certainly triumph over FEAR. As a writer I have lots of fear. When I self published my first book, I was so scared but I had a wonderful group of writers who supported me. Many times that is how we over come our fears. We have family and friends who are there for us. Who are saying,"Yes, you can do this. Step out. Take the leap." So I stepped out and took the leap. Guess what I discovered? Many people liked my book. Yes, I was afraid but it was also exciting. Is there something you want to do but are afraid? Please don't use your age as an excuse to not do something. Step out and give it a try. I'm sure you have family and friends who will support you. If not, find that someone who will support you. I know that person is there. With the help of them, I know for sure that even with the fear inside of you, you can succeed. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the success lane.
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"You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you make it." Quote by charles buxton6/21/2021 We read quotes from people all the time. Sometimes we even write them down. Maybe we post them on our refrigerator, our wall, our computer, our bulletin board, our mirror. Then we say, oh yes, I'll remember this one. I have done that many times myself. I always wanted to_______________________, fill in the blank but I never seem to find the time. We refer to time as though it's a lost sock and if we search long and hard enough, we're sure we'll find it. But we don't.
Time is precious. Once it's lost it can never be found. Yes, it is gone. We have to make all of our time count. We need to write down exactly what we want to do and intend to do. Time is like water slipping through our fingers. I said for many years that I wanted to write a book but I never did. Something always got in the way. Finally when I retired and had the time. I said, I can do my writing now but I still didn't. Do you know what finally made me start my writing? I joined a writing group. By joining a writing group, it made me find time for my writing. Why? Because once a month we would meet and we were supposed to come with something we had written to share with the group. That's what made me start to take my writing seriously. I had to produce something to share with the group. With that motivation, I wrote my first book which is a picture book. My first book is now on Amazon. I never could have done it without my writing group. Is there something you want to do but can never find the time? Then think about finding a group that does what you want to do. I have a friend who started a knitting group because she wanted to knit and could never find the time. She discovered there were many people who also wanted to knit. So, if you can't find a group, start one of your own. I guarantee you, you will discover there are other people out there who have been looking for the group you started. So, if you want to find the time, you must make the time. Start finding the time by finding your group. Have fun looking. Have more fun and satisfaction when you find or make your group to do what you could never find time to do. It's the morning. The sun glows on the leaves giving them a sheen of warmth. It is quiet. There aren't many people outside. The children aren't running to catch the school bus. Not as many people walking their dogs. More cars are parked then usual. Why aren't people hurrying to their cars to get to work? So many questions. So many changes. Why? A stranger has come to visit. How long will the stranger be here? No one knows but the stranger but does it know? Was it invited? Absolutely not. The Stranger has a name. Its name is Coronus Virus. Its nickname is COVID-19. It can make you so sick you don't know if you will live. It grabs hold of you and doesn't want to let you go. I call it a stranger because we don't know much about it. Some people walk around with this stranger before they realize he has come to visit them. It cuts off your breathing and gives you an unbelievably high fever. Where did the Coronus Virus come from? Some are saying from China. I question if we really know. It has left no country untouched. Yes, it is a pandemic virus. We are all in this together. Because of the virus alias COVID-19, we are staying in our homes. We are doing social distancing when we leave the house. No closer than six feet from one another. We are wearing face masks and rubber or latex gloves when we do go out.
Yes, all is quiet in the neighborhood. If someone is walking, that person is usually walking alone. We must maintain our "social distancing". Unfortunately, many have lost their lives. More then we ever dare to imagine. Doctors and nurses are putting their lives on the butcher block to try to save as many people as possible. Some of them have caught this stranger and not survived. We are afraid. No one is immune. The elderly were mainly at risk. This has proven to not be true. Many young people have become sick and some did not win the battle. This stranger does not care who you are. There can be no birthday parties. No gathering with friends in a restaurant. Worst of all, no coming together to mourn the loved one you have lost. Schools and churches are closed. They are now being done online. Most businesses are closed but there are exceptions. Grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies, and other essential businesses can remain open. Restaurants can do carry out. Scientists everywhere are working diligently to find a vaccine. There seems to be some success. Even if a vaccine is discovered, it must be tested and verified. How long will that take? Who knows. We are holding on tight believing a vaccine will come soon. Until it does, the governors are asking people to stay home. Some governors have decided to start opening some establishments. Scientists and experts are asking them to wait. Lives should be worth more than having to see your buddy socially. We are holding our breaths and hoping the vaccine that is being talked about will be successful. I suggest you stay indoors and not let that stranger become your so called friend. |
AuthorHi everyone. I'm excited to welcome you to my blog. My name is Lois Griffin Powell and I'm a fiction writer for children and young adults. I'm a girl from the north who's now living in the south but not the deep south. I'm in Virginia. What can I tell you, I love the seasons. I guess that's the north in me. I savior nothing better than a hot cup of herbal tea and a great book. I love a lot of things but I really love to write and talk. Why else would I have a blog. Enjoy! Archives
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